Compost or “Black Gold” is a mix of mulch fines and expired produce from grocery stores. It is cooked at 150°F for six weeks to neutralize any seeds, weeds or pathogens that might be in it. May contain traces for metal debris.

Compost can be used as an amendment to improve soil texture and increase both nutrient and water holding capacity. In San Diego, where soil quality can be poor, mixing compost in with the soil is one of the best ways to maintain your yard and garden.

Amend garden soil by mixing one to two inches of compost four to six inches deep into the soil. Irriagate the area twice thoroughly before planting.

Top-dress planters with compost to help reduce water loss and it will protect the root systems. Spread three inches of compost around the base of plants and shrubs, keeping it from touching plant stems or trunks.

Cmpost can be used as a potting mix for growing containerized plants and seedlings. Mix two parts compost, one part coarse sand, one part vermiculite and one part peat moss.